Saturday, March 15, 2008

Custom VW MK3 GTI tail lights

Customizing a car is about expressing yourself in your own style.

What I've done here to my 1998 VW GTI VR6 has been done before, but not by many. It is often overlooked as a "cheap mod".

In the Volkswagen enthusiast community, parts are not available for cheap and everything is pretty hard to find - especially if you're new to the community.

But if you do your research you will find so many different options and ideas that "being different" simply becomes an understatement when it comes to your Volkswagen.

Tools needed:
1 Exacto knife (I used a slender regular kitchen knife)
1 Spray bottle (comprised of 2 drops dish detergent 1 bottle of water)
1 Hair dryer
1 Squeegee (i used my health insurance card, atm or credit card will work just fine, it is just better to use something that doesn't have raised letters or numbers on it)

So here, I started with a stock MK3 GOLF GL tail light. and pictured to the right is the final product.

Empire.gfx sells a great product that can turn ordinary style into something really stylish. $20 for a pair of overlays, 1/2 hour and patience with very little trimming and you have a new set of tails lights for basically - $20. the rest of the needed items are found in your household!
When you purchase their overlays, they come in protective adhesive backing and detailed instructions. very easy to follow!


rayray086 said...

Hey mate.

Only one blog post! Would be good to see some more write-ups :) Just wanted to say I did the exact same mod as well - the pic you linked from EmpireGFX were actually my own haha. Anyway, just thought I'd drop a message.


pkstrategy said...

wow dude, i'm sorry man but yea i was wondering who's car that pic was from. but yea i m geting into this blogging thing. there is so much about these cars i want to talk about, share and express and here is where i can start. thanks for the comment! link me a pic of ur car!